October 22nd 2020.

Dear Parent’s & Guardians,

I hope that you and your families are keeping happy, well and safe during this Level 5 lockdown. Ahead of any announcement from the Department of Children & Youth Affairs and Scouting Ireland, the Group Council of 1st Dublin Fairview Scout Group have decided that the Group will cease all face to face activities during Level 5 lockdown with immediate effect. This decision was taken considering the welfare of our youth members, scouters, their families and the wider Fairview/Marino community. We hope to have some face to face activities before Christmas, but these will only happen if guidelines permit. 

Our section teams will be in touch with various activities/projects/challenges for the next six weeks. I hope our youth members enjoy them and we ask parents and guardians to encourage participation in these activities. Our aim is not to cause “Zoom fatigue” but to provide as varied a programme as possible. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you the parents and guardians and our youth members for the continued support during this difficult time. I would especially like to thank all the 1st Fairview leaders for the hard work and time that they have put in, are putting in and will put into running a programme for our youth members. As Group Leader I want to express my appreciation of the effort put in to making our Group so successful by all members and their families.

Stay strong! Stay safe!

Yours in Scouting,

Seán De-Claine 

Group Leader